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Descubrir el potencial de nuestra voz -

Descubrir el potencial de nuestra voz -

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The Accompanying Voiceis a 70-hour certified virtual training where we will go to meet different tools to expand your voice, share the message you bring to the world and, based on your own experience, you can also count on new resources to accompany different processes with one voice rooted, freer, conscious and powerful.

Through the different modules we are going to discover and strengthen the expressive, healing and liberating force of the voice through sound, singing and words, becoming more aware of ourselves as a unique and sacred instrument.

Together we will discover medicine songs, the yoga of sound, Hindu and Tibetan mantras, the song of power. We will address improvisation, sound healing and therapeutic accompaniment tools with the voice working on emotions and moments of transition; the power of the word and listening, the leading voice, and much more.

Module 1. Awaken the potential of your voice | Starts 04/05/22
Module 2. Strengthening the root of our voice |  Starts 05/03/22
Module 3. Song of India 1 |Starts on 06/07/22
Module 4. Song of India 2 |  Starts on 07/05/22
Module 5. Song of India 3 | Starts on 09/06/22
Module 6. Song of Power |Starts 10/04/22
Module 7. Voice and Sound Healing |  Starts 11/08/22
Module 8. The leading voice | Starts on 12/06/22
Module 9. The accompanying voice | 
Starts 01/10/23


Valor por Jornada completa:

Valor Media Jornada  70

Al 662 527 124

Meetings will be virtual via Zoom.

Classes will be on Tuesdays from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. Spain (GMT +1) / Mexico 12:00 p.m. / Argentina 2:00 p.m.

The training is divided into 9 work modules

Who is it addressed to?

To anyone interested in exploring their own voice, improving their communication and expression with the world.

Therapists, health professionals, palliative care, health agents, doulas, music therapists, practitioners and teachers of yoga and meditation, communicators, educators, performing artists, singers, self-knowledge groups

What will you learn?

  • To expand, root your creativity and your vitality from enjoyment, awakening the awareness of your voice as a channel of creation and manifestation of your reality.

  • To improve your communication and unlock emotions, recovering your connection and sensitivity with your interior.

  • To go deeper into listening, developing a filter for what we hear and anchoring a more sincere broadcast, with a transparent and open voice.

  • To strengthen the freedom of your expression, expanding and deepening your freedom and creativity.

  • To accompany therapeutic or help processes from a full, free and conscious voice from sound and word.

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